I believe great design bridges the gap between product goals, technical challenges and user needs


  • Each project should have its own set of design principles that are specific and informed by solid research
  • Do as much research and testing as time and budget will allow
  • Strive to reduce cognitive load by doing the ‘hard work’ upfront, on behalf of users
  • Give due consideration to error handling by pre-empting questions, confusion and mistakes,
    find ways to effectively deal with these before they occur
  • Copy and visual design are equally important and should also be informed by design principles
  • Interaction feedback creates rewarding experiences, use microinteractions and consider animation touches where appropriate to build rewarding experiences
  • Every element on a screen should be able to justify it’s existence and should act to strengthen the sum of all parts
  • Develop a clear and consistent hierarchy of information to reduce cognitive load and aid scanning
  • Design for inclusion. Acknowledge differing users, with differing challenges that may affect their ability to interact
  • Patterns should be used if they work for a particular product or service not because they are popular



Ben Cotton

Head of Digital Transformation
Virgin Media

Sue was a central figure in our web transformation programme, managing our production stream and delivering to a high quality throughout.

As someone with a thorough grasp of the solution and a keen eye for detail she made sure we stayed grounded, kept the team well co-ordinated and rode through plenty of hurdles along the way too.

I’d be very happy to work with her again.

Matt Carol

Commercial Director, Games
The Walt Disney Company EMEA

Sue was the producer on our great online game Superbia which was in need of TLC and new ideas to keep it fresh with our demanding audience.

She was a great problem solver, commercially sensitive and filled with good ideas to progress.

Looking forward to working with “Sue-perbia” again one day.